Hip Hop Teams

UCDC Hip Hop Teams are performing/competitive groups that are put together via our audition process. The UCDC Hip Hop Program is dedicated to nurturing yours child’s character, teaching self-discipline, building and developing team players, and most importantly instilling confidence in your child.  

Junior Hip Hop

Teen Hip Hop

Below you will find a summary of hours our hip hop team attends class each week. This is not a reflection of extra rehearsals, competitions, choreography, or conventions.
The UCDC Hip Hop teams also participate in local competitions, convention and workshops, technique classes, various local performances, pageants, charity events, and are also involved in community service projects throughout the upstate.
Junior Swag Team: (Ages 8-11) – 1 hour class per week (1 day a week)
Teen Swag Team: (Ages 12&up) – 1 hour of class per week (1 day a week)
For more information on our Award Winning Hip Hop Teams, please contact us at 864-220-0684
You may also email us at ucdcaccts@gmail.com


UCDC Hip Hop Teams are performing/competitive groups that are put together via our audition process. The UCDC Hip Hop Program is dedicated to nurturing yours child’s character, teaching self-discipline, building and developing team players, and most importantly instilling confidence in your child.  

Junior Hip Hop

Teen Hip Hop

Below you will find a summary of hours our hip hop team attends class each week. This is not a reflection of extra rehearsals, competitions, choreography, or conventions.
The UCDC Hip Hop teams also participate in local competitions, convention and workshops, technique classes, various local performances, pageants, charity events, and are also involved in community service projects throughout the upstate.
Junior Swag Team: (Ages 8-11) – 1 hour class per week (1 day a week)
Teen Swag Team: (Ages 12&up) – 1 hour of class per week (1 day a week)
For more information on our Award Winning Hip Hop Teams, please contact us at 864-220-0684
You may also email us at ucdcaccts@gmail.com